def apply_gradients(self, grads_and_vars, global_step=None, name=None):
    """Apply gradients to variables.
    This is the second part of `minimize()`. It returns an `Operation` that
    applies gradients.
      grads_and_vars: List of (gradient, variable) pairs as returned by
      global_step: Optional `Variable` to increment by one after the
        variables have been updated.
      name: Optional name for the returned operation.  Default to the
        name passed to the `Optimizer` constructor.
      An `Operation` that applies the specified gradients. If `global_step`
      was not None, that operation also increments `global_step`.
      TypeError: If `grads_and_vars` is malformed.
      ValueError: If none of the variables have gradients.
      RuntimeError: If you should use `_distributed_apply()` instead.
    # This is a default implementation of apply_gradients() that can be shared
    # by most optimizers.  It relies on the subclass implementing the following
    # methods: _create_slots(), _prepare(), _apply_dense(), and _apply_sparse().

    # Handle DistributionStrategy case.
    if distribute_lib.get_cross_tower_context():
      raise RuntimeError("Use `_distributed_apply()` instead of "
                         "`apply_gradients()` in a cross-tower context.")
    # TODO(isaprykin): Get rid of `has_distribution_strategy()` check by
    # always calling _distributed_apply(), using the default distribution
    # as needed.
    if distribute_lib.has_distribution_strategy():
      grads_and_vars = get_filtered_grad_fn(lambda _: grads_and_vars)()
      return distribute_lib.get_tower_context().merge_call(
          self._distributed_apply, grads_and_vars, global_step, name)

    # No DistributionStrategy case.
    grads_and_vars = tuple(grads_and_vars)  # Make sure repeat iteration works.
    if not grads_and_vars:
      raise ValueError("No variables provided.")
    converted_grads_and_vars = []
    for g, v in grads_and_vars:
      if g is not None:
          # Convert the grad to Tensor or IndexedSlices if necessary.
          g = ops.convert_to_tensor_or_indexed_slices(g)
        except TypeError:
          raise TypeError(
              "Gradient must be convertible to a Tensor"
              " or IndexedSlices, or None: %s" % g)
        if not isinstance(g, (ops.Tensor, ops.IndexedSlices)):
          raise TypeError(
              "Gradient must be a Tensor, IndexedSlices, or None: %s" % g)
      p = _get_processor(v)
      converted_grads_and_vars.append((g, v, p))

    converted_grads_and_vars = tuple(converted_grads_and_vars)
    var_list = [v for g, v, _ in converted_grads_and_vars if g is not None]
    if not var_list:
      raise ValueError("No gradients provided for any variable: %s." %
                       ([str(v) for _, _, v in converted_grads_and_vars],))
    with ops.init_scope():
    update_ops = []
    with ops.name_scope(name, self._name) as name:
      for grad, var, processor in converted_grads_and_vars:
        if grad is None:
        # We colocate all ops created in _apply_dense or _apply_sparse
        # on the same device as the variable.
        # TODO(apassos): figure out how to get the variable name here.
        if context.executing_eagerly() or isinstance(
            resource_variable_ops.ResourceVariable) and not var._in_graph_mode:  # pylint: disable=protected-access
          scope_name = ""
          scope_name =
        with ops.name_scope("update_" + scope_name), ops.colocate_with(var):
          update_ops.append(processor.update_op(self, grad))
      if global_step is None:
        apply_updates = self._finish(update_ops, name)
        with ops.control_dependencies([self._finish(update_ops, "update")]):
          with ops.colocate_with(global_step):
            if isinstance(global_step, resource_variable_ops.ResourceVariable):
              # TODO(apassos): the implicit read in assign_add is slow; consider
              # making it less so.
              apply_updates = resource_variable_ops.assign_add_variable_op(
                  ops.convert_to_tensor(1, dtype=global_step.dtype),
              apply_updates = state_ops.assign_add(global_step, 1, name=name)

      if not context.executing_eagerly():
        if isinstance(apply_updates, ops.Tensor):
          apply_updates = apply_updates.op
        train_op = ops.get_collection_ref(ops.GraphKeys.TRAIN_OP)
        if apply_updates not in train_op:

      return apply_updates



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