Audio Segmentation

The goal of audio segmentation is to split an un-iterrupted audio signal into homogeneous segments.


圖0 Schematic view of segmentation methods in file

圖0呈現audio segmentation的分類示意圖。

audio segmentation方法都是joint segmentation-classification,意思是指在把音頻切成小片段時,並把小片段做標註(e.g. silence vs non-silence)。

There are two type of audio segmentation:\colon supervised audio segmentation, unsupervised audio segmentation.

In supervised Segmentation, there are three methods :\colon

  1. fixed-size-segment
  2. KNN
  3. HMM

In unsupervised Segmentation, there are three applications :\colon

  1. silence removal
  2. speaker diarization
  3. music audio thumbnailing


[1] Giannakopoulos, Theodoros, and Sergios Petridis. "Fisher linear semi-discriminant analysis for speaker diarization." IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing 20.7 (2012): 1913-1922.

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