Google Cloud Natural Language API Documentation

The Google Cloud Natural Language API provides natural language understanding technologies to developers, including:\colon

  1. sentiment analysis
  2. entity analysis
  3. entity sentiment analysis
  4. content classification
  5. syntax analysis.

The Google Cloud Natural Language API is part of the larger Cloud Machine Learning API family.



1-1 using client libraries; 1-2 using the command line

2 How-to Guides:

2-1 all how-to Guides; 2-2 Analyzing sentiment;

2-3 analyzing entities; 2-4 analyzing syntax;

2-5 analyzing entity sentiment; 2-6 classifying content.

3 APIs & Reference

3-1 All APIs & References; 3-2 Client Libraries;

3-3 Service APIs; 3-4 Command-line reference;

3-5 Language Support; 3-6 Content Categories

4 Concepts

4-1 Natural Language Basics; 4-2 Morphology & Dependency Trees

5 Samples & Tutorials

5-1 all samples & tutorials; 5-2 sentimental analysis tutorial;

5-3 content classification tutorial; 5-4 sample applications

6 Resources

6-1 all resources; 6-2 quota & limits

6-3 data usage FAQ; 6-4 Release Notes

6-5 Service Level agreement; 6-6 support

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