Memory Network Approach

Jeff 06/27/2018

A discrete input set x¯1,,x¯n\bar{x}_1,\cdots,\bar{x}_n, are paragraph.

The paragraph will be transformed to memory c¯\bar{c} and m¯\bar{m}.

A query qq is the input to the model.

q=[q¯1,q¯2,,q¯J]q=[\bar{q}_1, \bar{q}_2,\cdots, \bar{q}_{J}], where q¯1\bar{q}_1 is the first word in query, q¯1,q¯2,,q¯J\bar{q}_1,\bar{q}_2,\cdots,\bar{q}_J are 1-N encoding.

The answer aa is the output of the model.

Each of the xix_i, qq and aa contains symbols coming from a dictionary with VV words.

The memory xx has fixed buffer size.

The continuous representation for the xx and qq are processed via multiple hops to output aa.

This allows error signal back-propagation through multiple memory accesses back to the input during training.

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