Import modules in file

import numpy as np
from numpy import sum
from random import shuffle
import operator
import json
import csv
from pprint import pprint

numpy, sum, suffle, operator, json, csv and pprint modules are imported.

batchPadding function in file

def batchPadding(batchSentence,max_len):     
    """ Padding batch of question or choices
            batchSentence : 3d numpy array, 3rd level list
                each dimension represents (batch, sentence, word_vec) respectively
            max_len : int
                length of the longest sentence (default is 50)
            3d numpy array
                batch of question or choices (padded)
    newBatchSentence = []
    filler = [0]*300
    for sen in batchSentence:
        newBatchSentence.append(sen + [filler]*(max_len-len(sen)))
    return np.asarray(newBatchSentence)

Fig.1 Schematic of batchPadding function.

Fig.1 shows the schematic of batchPadding function with "batchSentence" (3d numpy array) and "max_len" (integer) as inputs.

The "newBatchSentence" is appended overall "batchSentence", and "newBatchSentence" is returned.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""