導入 Python Packages

(in main.py)

9   from pydub import AudioSegment
10  from pydub.silence import split_on_silence
12  # [START speech_quickstart]
13  import io
14  import os
15  import numpy as np
16  import pandas as pd
17  import glob
19  # Imports the Google Cloud client library
20  # [START migration_import]
21  from google.cloud import speech
22  from google.cloud.speech import enums
23  from google.cloud.speech import types
24  # [END migration_import]

pydub[1]是針對audio processing的module

The io[2] module provide Python's main facilities for dealing with various types of I/O. There are three main types of I/O: text I/O, binary I/O and raw I/O. A concrete object belonging to any of these categories is called file object. Other common terms are stream and file-like object.

The os[3] module provides a portable way of using operating system dependent functionality.

numpy[4] 是Python一個重要的模組,主要用於資料處理。numpy底層以C和Fortran語言實作,能夠快速操作多重維度的陣列。當Python處理龐大資料時,原生list效能表現不理想(但可以動態存異質資料),而numpy具備平行處理能力,可以將操作一次套用在大型陣列上。另外Python其餘重量級資料科學套件(eg..:\colon Pandas, Scipy, Scikit-learn等)都是奠基在numpy的基礎上。

pandas[5] 是python一個數據分析的package,2009年底開源,提供高效能、簡易使用的資料格式(Data Frame)讓使用者可以快速操作及分析資料。pandas取名字pan(el)-da(ta)-s,也與套件提供的三個資料結構:\colon PanelDataFrameSeries相呼應[6]。


google.cloud.speech, google.cloud.speech.enums, google.cloud.speech.types都是Google Cloud Speech-to-text service提供的package。

[1] https://github.com/jiaaro/pydub

[2] https://docs.python.org/3/library/io.html

[3] https://docs.python.org/3/library/os.html

[4] https://blog.techbridge.cc/2017/07/28/data-science-101-numpy-tutorial/

[5] https://oranwind.org/python-pandas-ji-chu-jiao-xue/

[6] https://medium.com/datainpoint/從-pandas-開始-python-與資料科學之旅-8dee36796d4a

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